Be Your Heart’s Hero

How to defeat 6 supervillains of heart health

Hollywood’s flood of blockbuster superhero flicks tells us something about our collective appetite for the triumph of good over evil. While you may never wield an otherworldly hammer like Thor, you can be your heart’s hero by defeating six supervillains that wreak havoc on this hardworking organ.

Here are some super reasons why heroes such as exercising, following a good diet, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight beat out supervillains every time.

Agent Inactivity

An estimated 80% of Americans do not get enough exercise. Yet, we have the power to vanquish this villain. The American Heart Association recommends any combination of 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per week. Dr. Stutts suggests a simple start: “If you’re doing nothing, do something. If you’re doing something, do more.”

Dastardly Diet

Defeat this antihero by increasing the intake of low saturated fat proteins, vegetables and low sugar fruit (mostly the berries). It’s also time to vaporize big serving sizes. “Portion control is a major problem in this country,” Dr. Stutts says.

Sinister Smoke Breaks

“It’s easy to think about smoking as a villain because it damages the arteries directly. It’s not only a risk factor for heart disease and stroke, but it’s actually a trigger,” Dr. Stutts says. Kick this villain to the curb and you’ll cut your risk dramatically within the first year.

Bad-Guy BMI

“In people who are heavier, the heart has to work harder,” Dr. Stutts says. Body mass index (BMI)—a measure of weight indexed with height—is a screening tool to see whether you’re at a healthy weight or overweight or obese.

Apocalyptic High Blood Pressure

If it’s high, blood pressure—a measurement of the force of blood flow—can stretch or injure artery walls and increase the strain on your heart.

Heinously High Cholesterol

Over time, cholesterol and fat in arteries harden into plaque, which can clog the blood vessels and lead to a heart attack.

Bingham’s Superhero Cardiologists Can Check Your Heart

Bingham Healthcare’s cardiologists diagnose and treat disorders of the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system—the heart, arteries, and veins. Using the latest and state-of-the art technology, they provide initial diagnostic services, including basic cardiology evaluations, consultations, stress tests, heart pathology, and arrhythmia detection.

With complete cardiology coverage throughout Eastern Idaho, Bingham’s cardiologists see patients in Idaho Falls, Blackfoot, Pocatello, and Soda Springs. To schedule an appointment with a Bingham cardiologist in your area, please call (208) 785-4100 or visit

Our content is reviewed regularly and is updated when new and relevant evidence is made available. This information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with questions regarding a medical condition.

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